Australian Guitar Mag Article
Recently, one of my childhood dreams came true with the publication of my story in Australian Guitar Magazine. That is one of the proudest moments.
Peter Hodgson wrote a superb, sensitive article that will live with me forever as one of the highlights of my life.
Not only that but the issue features Prince on the cover. The Prince and Princess of rock as my beloved partner put it! Plus you get FREE purple picks, and heaps of other great articles. It is certainly a collectors edition for me. I have a horde piled up already, sealed of course.
Support this excellent magazine and the guitarists they help to promote. Subscribe and show your love for this legendary instrument that we all get so obsessive about!
UPDATE: Melbourne Guitar Show August 6/7 2016
If you are in Melbourne for the Australian Guitar Show, be sure to stop by the Peavey stand and say hi to Sandra Calvezzi. Sandra will be promoting Peavey, but will also have some copies of Dark Universe available, and we may have some copies of the mag also to give away for the first few copies sold.